Corporate Finance Advisory Services for a Major Oil Marketer in East & Southern Africa

Client Overview:

Our client, a major oil marketer operating in 10 East and Southern African countries, sought our expertise in corporate finance advisory services. The primary objective was to address their inefficient capital structure and optimize their financial management practices.

Inefficient Capital Structure:

We supported the client in determining the optimal mix of debt and equity financing to achieve an efficient capital structure. This involved evaluating the cost of capital, assessing risk profiles, and striking the right balance between leveraging the company with debt and maintaining a healthy equity base.

Financial Analysis and Planning:

To improve the client’s financial health and performance, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of their financial statements. This included ratio analysis and financial forecasting to assess their current financial situation. We utilized this information to set financial goals, develop budgets, and identify areas for improvement.

Risk Management:

Managing financial risks was a critical aspect of our advisory services. We identified, assessed, and managed various risks faced by the company, such as market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk. Through the implementation of risk management strategies like hedging, insurance, and diversification, we aimed to mitigate potential losses.

Corporate Governance:

As part of our corporate finance advisory services, we emphasized the importance of establishing and maintaining effective governance structures and financial controls. We worked closely with the client to ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in their financial decision-making processes.

Team Composition:

Our advisory team consisted of the following members:

  1. Partners: 2
  2. Analysts: 6

Results and Benefits:

Through our comprehensive corporate finance advisory services, we achieved the following results and benefits for our client:

  • Optimal Capital Structure: By determining the ideal mix of debt and equity financing, we helped the client achieve an efficient capital structure, enabling them to optimize their financial resources.
  • Improved Financial Health: Our financial analysis and planning efforts enabled the client to gain a better understanding of their financial position, set goals, and develop budgets for improved performance.
  • Effective Risk Management: We identified and managed various financial risks, providing the client with strategies and tools to mitigate potential losses and ensure financial stability.
  • Enhanced Corporate Governance: Our focus on corporate governance helped establish robust structures and controls, ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making in financial matters.


Our corporate finance advisory services played a pivotal role in assisting a major oil marketer in East and Southern Africa. Through optimizing the client’s capital structure, improving financial analysis and planning, implementing risk management strategies, and promoting effective corporate governance, we empowered the client to make sound financial decisions, allocate resources effectively, and create long-term value for shareholders.